Sunday, August 26, 2012

So sweet for what.

Its been awhile since I last blogged. So here it is, hi. (: Anyway on 25 August went out to Vivo with Haru. He was looking for a marvel character plsuhie. He bought a Thor plushie, he wanted to find a Ironman one. Hahahaha but don't have. Out of stock. Awww so sad. So we took a bus from Vivo that we both don't have any knowledge of, bus 97 to town. Bcos we YOLO and not scared so we GO JE. Hahahahahahaha k. Anyway despite that journey that, we still couldn't find what he wanted. Haru had to leave and I had to go back home alone. Aww. :( But its okay. I took 502 from opp Milennia Tower hehehe long bus rides. <3 During the journey, I disturbed her on twitter telling that I'm in a bus ride. She was freaking jealous. Bwahahahaha. :P Oh!! At that moment she wished that she was in the same bus as me. Heheha awww that literally made me melttttttttttt....... Alahai she so sweet and cute lah please. :3 I told her maybe next time we can explore SG! She said "yay okay!" after my I'm done with my O levels. Hehehe can't wait for that day to come. Insya'Allah I won't screw things up. Amin! Oh Allah, I want her to be my wife, I really and sincerely do love her. Please watch over her till day she becomes mine. Amin ya rabbal 'alamin.

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