Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dear Allah.

Ya Allah, its been ages since I last shed a tear on the praying mat while berdoa-ing to Allah SWT. I felt remorseful of my own past. I saw too much darkness in the old me. I need that guiding light from you, Allah. I need you. I did mentioned something about me starting a family of my own in the future in my prayers earlier. If its not me who is going to guide my future wife? WHO ELSE. Once I'm married to her, her sins will be my responsibility. My children's sins will be my responsibility. My own sins will be own responsibility. I have to answer for all that to the angels sent to interrogate me when I'm in the grave. I'm on my own in there. NO ONE is there to help. Just me, myself and I alone. Oh Allah, please strengthen my iman.

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